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Blockchain API

import {JsonRpcClient} from '@defichain/jellyfish-api-jsonrpc'
const client = new JsonRpcClient('http://foo:bar@localhost:8554')

// Using client.blockchain.
const something = await client.blockchain.method()


Get various state info regarding blockchain processing.

interface blockchain {
getBlockchainInfo (): Promise<BlockchainInfo>

interface BlockchainInfo {
chain: 'main' | 'test' | 'regtest' | string
blocks: number
headers: number
bestblockhash: string
difficulty: number
mediantime: number
verificationprogress: number
initialblockdownload: boolean
chainwork: string
size_on_disk: number
pruned: boolean
softforks: {
[id: string]: {
type: 'buried' | 'bip9'
active: boolean
height: number
warnings: string


Get block data with a provided block header hash.

interface blockchain {
getBlock (hash: string, verbosity: 0): Promise<string>
getBlock (hash: string, verbosity: 1): Promise<Block<string>>
getBlock (hash: string, verbosity: 2): Promise<Block<Transaction>>
getBlock<T> (hash: string, verbosity: 0 | 1 | 2): Promise<string | Block<T>>

interface Block<T> {
hash: string
confirmations: number
strippedsize: number
size: number
weight: number
height: number
masternode: string
minter: string
mintedBlocks: number
stakeModifier: string
version: number
versionHex: string
merkleroot: string
time: number
mediantime: number
bits: string
difficulty: number
chainwork: string
tx: T[]
nTx: number
previousblockhash: string
nextblockhash: string

interface Transaction {
txid: string
hash: string
version: number
size: number
vsize: number
weight: number
locktime: number
vin: Vin[]
vout: Vout[]
hex: string

interface Vin {
coinbase?: string
txid: string
vout: number
scriptSig: {
asm: string
hex: string
txinwitness?: string[]
sequence: string

interface Vout {
value: BigNumber
n: number
scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey
tokenId: string

interface ScriptPubKey {
asm: string
hex: string
type: string
reqSigs: number
addresses: string[]


Get block header data with particular header hash.

interface blockchain {
getBlockHeader (hash: string, verbosity: true): Promise<BlockHeader>
getBlockHeader (hash: string, verbosity: false): Promise<string>

interface BlockHeader {
hash: string
confirmations: number
height: number
version: number
versionHex: string
merkleroot: string
time: number
mediantime: number
bits: string
difficulty: number
chainwork: string
nTx: number
previousblockhash: string
nextblockhash: string


Get a hash of block in best-block-chain at height provided.

interface blockchain {
getBlockHash(height: number): Promise<string>


Get the height of the most-work fully-validated chain.

interface blockchain {
getBlockCount (): Promise<number>


Return information about all known tips in the block tree including the main chain as well as orphaned branches.

interface blockchain {
getChainTips (): Promise<ChainTip[]>

interface ChainTip {
height: number
hash: string
branchlen: number
status: string


Return the proof-of-work difficulty as a multiple of the minimum difficulty.

interface blockchain {
getDifficulty (): Promise<number>


Get details of unspent transaction output (UTXO).

interface blockchain {
getTxOut (txId: string, n: number, includeMempool = true): Promise<UTXODetails>

interface UTXODetails {
bestblock: string
confirmations: number
value: BigNumber
scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey
coinbase: boolean

interface ScriptPubKey {
asm: string
hex: string
type: string
reqSigs: number
addresses: string[]
tokenId: string


Returns statistics about the unspent transaction output set. Note this call may take some time.

interface blockchain {
getTxOutSetInfo (): Promise<TxOutSetInfo>

interface TxOutSetInfo {
height: number
bestblock: string
transactions: Number
txouts: Number
bogosize: Number
hash_serialized_2: string
disk_size: Number
total_amount: BigNumber


Get all transaction ids in memory pool as string[] if verbose is false else as json object

interface blockchain {
getRawMempool (verbose: false): Promise<string[]>
getRawMempool (verbose: true): Promise<MempoolTx>
getRawMempool (verbose: boolean): Promise<string[] | MempoolTx>

interface MempoolTx {
[key: string]: {
vsize: BigNumber
* @deprecated same as vsize. Only returned if defid is started with -deprecatedrpc=size
size: BigNumber
weight: BigNumber
fee: BigNumber
modifiedfee: BigNumber
time: BigNumber
height: BigNumber
descendantcount: BigNumber
descendantsize: BigNumber
descendantfees: BigNumber
ancestorcount: BigNumber
ancestorsize: BigNumber
ancestorfees: BigNumber
wtxid: string
fees: {
base: BigNumber
modified: BigNumber
ancestor: BigNumber
descendant: BigNumber
depends: string[]
spentby: string[]
'bip125-replaceable': boolean


Get all in-mempool ancestors if a transaction id is in mempool as string[] if verbose is false else as json object

interface blockchain {
getMempoolAncestors (txId: string, verbose?: false): Promise<string[]>
getMempoolAncestors (txId: string, verbose?: true): Promise<MempoolTx>
getMempoolAncestors (txId: string, verbose?: boolean: Promise<string[] | MempoolTx>

interface MempoolTx {
[key: string]: {
vsize: BigNumber
* @deprecated same as vsize. Only returned if defid is started with -deprecatedrpc=size
size: BigNumber
weight: BigNumber
fee: BigNumber
modifiedfee: BigNumber
time: BigNumber
height: BigNumber
descendantcount: BigNumber
descendantsize: BigNumber
descendantfees: BigNumber
ancestorcount: BigNumber
ancestorsize: BigNumber
ancestorfees: BigNumber
wtxid: string
fees: {
base: BigNumber
modified: BigNumber
ancestor: BigNumber
descendant: BigNumber
depends: string[]
spentby: string[]
'bip125-replaceable': boolean


Get all in-mempool descendants if a transaction id is in mempool as string[] if verbose is false else as json object

interface blockchain {
getMempoolDescendants (txId: string, verbose?: false): Promise<string[]>
getMempoolDescendants (txId: string, verbose?: true): Promise<MempoolTx>
getMempoolDescendants (txId: string, verbose?: boolean: Promise<string[] | MempoolTx>

interface MempoolTx {
[key: string]: {
vsize: BigNumber
* @deprecated same as vsize. Only returned if defid is started with -deprecatedrpc=size
size: BigNumber
weight: BigNumber
fee: BigNumber
modifiedfee: BigNumber
time: BigNumber
height: BigNumber
descendantcount: BigNumber
descendantsize: BigNumber
descendantfees: BigNumber
ancestorcount: BigNumber
ancestorsize: BigNumber
ancestorfees: BigNumber
wtxid: string
fees: {
base: BigNumber
modified: BigNumber
ancestor: BigNumber
descendant: BigNumber
depends: string[]
spentby: string[]
'bip125-replaceable': boolean


Get transaction details in the memory pool using a transaction ID.

client.blockchain.getMempoolEntry(txId: string)
interface blockchain {
getMempoolEntry (txId: string): Promise<MempoolTx>


Returns details on the active state of the TX memory pool.

interface blockchain {
getMempoolInfo (): Promise<MempoolInfo>

interface MempoolInfo {
loaded: boolean
size: number
bytes: number
usage: number
maxmempool: number
mempoolminfee: BigNumber
minrelaytxfee: BigNumber


Get block statistics for a given window. Returns all stats values if nothing is passed in the second param.

interface blockchain {
getBlockStats(hashOrHeight: number | string): Promise<BlockStats>
getBlockStats(hashOrHeight: number | string, stats: Array<keyof BlockStats>): Promise<BlockStats>

interface BlockStats {
avgfee: number
avgfeerate: number
avgtxsize: number
blockhash: string
height: number
ins: number
maxfee: number
maxfeerate: number
maxtxsize: number
medianfee: number
mediantime: number
mediantxsize: number
minfee: number
minfeerate: number
mintxsize: number
outs: number
subsidy: number
swtxs: number
time: number
totalfee: number
txs: number
swtotal_size: number
swtotal_weight: number
total_out: number
total_size: number
total_weight: number
utxo_increase: number
utxo_size_inc: number
feerate_percentiles: [number, number, number, number, number]


Get the hash of the best (tip) block in the most-work fully-validated chain.

interface blockchain {
getBestBlockHash (): Promise<string>


Wait for any new block

interface blockchain {
waitForNewBlock (timeout: number = 30000): Promise<WaitBlockResult>

interface WaitBlockResult {
hash: string
height: number


Waits for a specific new block and returns useful info about it.

interface blockchain {
waitForBlock (blockhash: string, timeout: number = 30000): Promise<WaitBlockResult>

interface WaitBlockResult {
hash: string
height: number


Waits for block height equal or higher than provided and returns the height and hash of the current tip.

interface blockchain {
waitForBlockHeight (height: number, timeout: number = 30000): Promise<waitForBlockHeight>

interface WaitBlockResult {
hash: string
height: number


Get statistics about the total number and rate of transactions in the chain.

interface blockchain {
getChainTxStats (nBlocks?: number, blockHash?: string): Promise<ChainTxStats>

interface ChainTxStats {
time: number
txcount: number
window_final_block_hash: string
window_final_block_height: number
window_block_count: number
window_tx_count: number
window_interval: number
txrate: number